Can road rage impact the cost of your car insurance?

Road Rage Becoming More Common in Australia, But How does it Affect Car Insurance?

A recent survey has indicated that road rage is starting to become more common among Australians, with nearly 60 percent of respondents claiming to have experienced road rage in some form. This survey, conducted by an Australian comparison site “Compare the market” found that approximately 13.1 percent of Australian respondents had engaged in aggressive driving behavior, demonstrating a significant increase in road rage incidents across the country.

Of the 60 percent of Australians who admitted to experiencing road rage, 23 percent indicated that they had been direct victims, while 36 percent reported having witnessed such aggressive behavior. Given the rising prevalence of road rage, there is now growing concern about its impact on car insurance. Can road rage negatively affect the claims process and premiums in the future?

Adrian Taylor, CEO of Market Insurance, has confirmed that road rage could indeed affect the ability to file an insurance claim as well as premium rates. In an official statement, Taylor said car insurance companies consider all relevant factors when evaluating any insurance claim, including driver behavior. He added that auto insurance companies collect and analyze all available data to assess risk. Therefore, if you have a bad driving record, your car insurance premium could increase accordingly. Furthermore, if you were engaged in dangerous or illegal behavior during an incident caused by road rage, it could render you fully liable, resulting in the denial of your claim and obligating you to bear all damages and costs out of pocket.

This information was affirmed by a spokesperson for NRMA Insurance, who stated that malicious driver behavior could influence the acceptance of auto insurance claims. The spokesperson also expressed that each car insurance claim is reviewed based on the surrounding circumstances, with dangerous driving constituting a breach of policy conditions that could affect the acceptance of the claim. These findings have been corroborated by the Insurance Information Institute, a US-based organization specializing in insurance data, which stated that road violence is explicitly exempt from most insurance policies, as any damage or liability resulting from aggressive driving is not considered an accident, but rather a result of risky behavior.

A joint study conducted by an insurance company and Monash University revealed a troubling doubling in the percentage of road users who had experienced threats or harm following a road rage incident over the last two years. The study also sought to identify which behaviors were most likely to incite road rage. The research found that 61.6 percent of Australian respondents cited tailgating, closely followed by other motorists using cell phones while driving, inadequate or incorrect signaling, and driving slowly or frequently changing lanes.

Moreover, there is a high level of frustration among Australians when encountering dangerous driving behaviors, such as distracted driving and speeding, with 80 percent of respondents reporting feeling angry or upset in such situations. These findings underscore the widespread impact of road rage and the urgent need for further examination and solutions to this concerning issue.

When it comes to the demographic most prone to road rage in Australia, studies indicate that there is no conclusive data to determine which gender or age group is most susceptible to road rage. However, a 2023 survey by Budget Direct found that 51 percent of men admitted to engaging in aggressive behavior on the road. The survey also identified men aged 25 to 34 as having the highest rates of road rage, highlighting a particular age group that may require more targeted interventions to address this issue.

With road rage on the rise across Australia, it is imperative to consider its potential impact on car insurance. The increasing prevalence of aggressive driving behaviors not only poses significant risks to road safety but also has repercussions for insurance claims and premiums. As such, it is vital for drivers to be aware of the consequences of road rage and to prioritize safe, responsible driving to avoid potential negative outcomes. As this issue continues to evolve, it will require ongoing research, collaboration, and awareness to mitigate its impact on individuals, road safety, and the insurance industry.