Drake drops ‘Scary Hours 3’ tonight with assistance from Kevin Durant

Drake Announces Release of Third Scary Hours EP

Hip-hop superstar Drake has announced that the third edition of his ‘Scary Hours’ EP series is set to drop imminently. In a surprise announcement on Thursday, Drake revealed the news in a video trailer shot from inside one of his lavish estates. According to Drake, the force has taken hold of him, and the songs are seemingly writing themselves, leading to the impromptu decision to release the latest installment in the ‘Scary Hours’ series.

Comparing his latest creative spree to being on drugs, Drake appears to be in a highly productive and inspired state of mind. He has also expressed confidence in his most recent album release, “For All The Dogs,” and has stated that he could hypothetically go MIA for a couple of years. However, Drake reiterated that this is not his style, indicating that he intends to stay active and continue releasing new music.

Drake has attributed his most recent bout of musical inspiration to his famed “If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late” mixtape. He claims to have written the entire ‘Scary Hours 3’ project within the last 5 days, a feat that showcases his passion and dedication to his craft.

In addition to his own artistic talents, Drake has confirmed that ‘Scary Hours 3’ will feature collaborations with notable figures in the music industry. His longtime engineer, Noel Cadastre, and NBA star Kevin Durant are listed as executive producers for the project. However, Drake has kept the guest appearances on the EP under wraps for the time being.

The announcement of ‘Scary Hours 3’ comes just a few weeks after Drake hinted at potential health concerns. In October, Drake informed fans that he would be taking a break from music due to “stomach issues.” However, the sudden release of new music and the revelation of an upcoming joint tour with J. Cole suggest that Drake is feeling better and ready to get back to work.

Speaking of his joint tour with J. Cole, the two artists recently announced the “Big As The What” tour, scheduled to visit popular college towns. This exciting news follows the release of their collaboration, “First Person Shooter,” which quickly rose to the top of the charts. The combined success of their tour and their latest collaboration indicate that Drake is back at his best and ready to entertain his fans once again.

Overall, the announcement of ‘Scary Hours 3’ and the promise of exciting future projects, such as the joint tour with J. Cole, signal that Drake is in high spirits and firmly focused on his music career. Fans can anticipate the arrival of new music from Drake and look forward to experiencing his electrifying performances on stage in the near future.