Owner of Hellcat barred from driving their own car due to reckless behavior

Seattle Resident Banned from Driving his Hellcat Charger After Reckless Driving Incident

Belltown, Seattle is known for its hustle and bustle, filled with high-rise buildings and trendy condominiums. With the city’s vibrant atmosphere, noise is expected, but when one individual takes it too far, it can lead to backlash from the community.

This was the case for 20-year-old Miles Hudson, who recently found himself at the center of controversy after a series of reckless driving incidents. Hudson, known for his Instagram handle srt.miles, pleaded not guilty to two counts of reckless driving following an Instagram video that surfaced in February. In the video, he was seen racing another Dodge Charger at speeds exceeding 100 mph on city streets.

The Seattle Times reported that as a result of this incident, one of the conditions of Hudson’s release is that he is prohibited from driving his high-performance Dodge Hellcat Charger Jailbreak Edition for a year. Despite his attorney, Sheley Anderson, arguing that the ban is excessive and will hinder his ability to work, the judge upheld the decision.

Residents of Belltown had been filing complaints about Hudson’s behavior to the city and posting the responses on platforms like Reddit. Hudson’s Hellcat Charger is equipped with an aftermarket exhaust system that produces a loud, disruptive noise. Videos on his Instagram account show him speeding excessively, racing late at night, doing donuts, and engaging in other reckless driving behaviors.

Hudson currently boasts over 700,000 followers on Instagram, with some of his videos garnering nearly a million likes. According to KING5 news, when confronted by police, Hudson allegedly stated that he had no plans to stop his reckless driving antics because he believed it was a lucrative career move. He defiantly declared, “I’m going to make a career out of this.”

In addition to the driving ban, Hudson faces the possibility of up to a year in jail, a $5,000 fine, or a 30-day suspended license if convicted. Other conditions of his release include abstaining from any criminal violations, driving without a license, or driving without proof of insurance.

As the community continues to grapple with the repercussions of Hudson’s actions, authorities are urging residents to report any similar instances of reckless driving. If you have any tips or information regarding this case, please contact tips@thedrive.com.

Despite the controversy surrounding him, Miles Hudson remains a polarizing figure in Belltown, Seattle, as the community grapples with the implications of his reckless driving behavior. Residents are left wondering about the consequences of such actions and the impact they have on public safety. As the case unfolds, the city awaits further developments in this ongoing saga.