As a society we’re obsessed with measuring things. Who is the tallest person in the world? Sultan Kösen, a farmer in Turkey. Who is the richest? Not Elon Musk; at least not anymore! What is the longest avenue in the world? Yonge Street in Toronto. But when it comes to determining who the most beautiful woman in the world is, that would seem to be subjective, right? Not according to Julian de Silva, a plastic surgeon based in London. He has developed a formula called the “Golden Ratio score” that unequivocally ends the debate. It’s ironclad, folks. Case closed. It is based on a series of measurements that are considered to be characteristics of beauty, such as the distance of the top of the nose to the center of the lips, facial length/width ratios, etc. With that in mind, here are the 8 most beautiful celebrities if Dr. de Silva is to be believed.

Although Delevingne makes a living by having a face that people like seeing in magazines, it wasn’t always that way. Growing up, the British supermodel and actress has stated that growing up she “looked like an albino gremlin,” and childhood photos do seem to confirm this. But lots of dudes are into that, so who are we to judge?

Perry grew up in a weird household in which she was forbidden to eat Lucky Charms cereal because in her mom’s mind, “lucky” was too uncomfortably close to the word “Lucifer.” But these days she can eat however many sugary marshmallow thingies as she wants. With 9 number one singles and 143 million records sold worldwide, Perry has earned that right. However, it does make us question whether kids these days care about actually good music. But in any event, she’s the second most beautiful woman on the planet and even sharks enjoy dancing with her.

Portman could have been typecast for the rest of her life after accepting the role of Darth Vader’s future wife in those silly “Star Wars” prequels. But she’s actually pretty darn good at her craft and she has a degree in psychology from Harvard to boot! Granted, it’s something she will never need to use because, ladies and gentleman, she is the 8th most beautiful woman on the planet scientifically-speaking.

Quick, who’s the highest grossing actor in history? If you said Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., or Chris Hemsworth, you’re being ridiculous. The answer, of course, is Scarlett Johansson! Although she is a highly decorated actress with a Tony Award and two Oscar nominations to her name, she also has two albums that reached the ‘Billboard 200.’ Frankly speaking, if we recorded an album, we’d be lucky to make it onto the ‘Billboard 300.’ We would, of course, but just barely.

In the 1980s, healthy and vibrant was the way to go if you wanted to succeed as a supermodel. And then the 1990s and Kate Moss came into the picture and started selling us Calvin Klein underwear (alongside a young Mark Marky aka Mark Wahlberg!) while sporting the heroin chic look. What could be more attractive than having circles under your eyes and looking like you’re in desperate need of a hamburger? Absolutely nobody…except the remaining three women on this list!

Say, remember Donutgate? It was this weird thing back in 2015 where Ariana Grande went to a donut shop with a backup singer, got a bit hot and heavy with him, and declared she hated America and Americans because donuts make them fat or whatever, and she proceeded to lick said donuts. This totally ended her career. Just kidding. Her music is the most streamed in the world, her perfume has earned $1 billion in sales, and she has 300,000,000 followers on Instagram, more than any other woman on the planet.

With 28 Grammy Awards under her belt (more than any other singer), it’s not a surprise that Beyoncé is regarded as the most influential female musician of the 21st century. She’s also plenty hot.

We did it, guys! We’ve made it to the #1 most beautiful woman on the list. As you are obviously literate, there is no need for the dramatic drumroll. Winner of GQ’s Model of the Year Award in 2015, Hadid is the most desired woman on the planet. She even had an on-again-off-again relationship with The Weeknd. Have you ever had an on-again-off-again relationship with The Weeknd? Don’t lie.

When people manipulate others – especially in romantic relationships – they are attempting to emotionally exploit them as a means of having control. This allows them to get what they want out of that person whether it is money and possessions, unmerited sympathy, or even total say over the relationship. A master manipulator is able to identify the partner’s weaknesses and exploit them, and they will continue to do so until the other person finally decides to put an end to it. But this can be difficult to do since they use their powers of manipulation precisely to prevent their partner from breaking things off.

The beginning of a relationship is the time when it is most challenging to realize you are, in fact, being manipulated since it is so subtle. But over time as you repeat these experiences with the manipulator, their behavior becomes a disturbing pattern. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways in which your partner could be manipulating you without you even realizing it!

When your partner is gaslighting you, they are essentially telling blatant lies that should be obvious, but they’re so skilled at it that it causes you to question even yourself. For instance, they might insist that you are overreacting to a highly toxic situation, or they will abuse you physically or emotionally and then turn around and insist they would never do anything of the sort. They will deny any wrongdoing and at worst make you feel guilty for their self-serving behaviors.

Even in healthy relationships, couples will occasionally have their differences. But when they are mature, mentally stable people, they will find solutions. But when somebody is manipulative, they will deny there is any problem at all even when it is clear they are upset. They might, for instance, use avoidance tactics, which ultimately means nothing gets resolved since they refuse to allow the problem to be addressed. Or they will respond with bitter sarcasm, a technique that is intended to make you feel upset and even guilty, even when you still have no idea what you did wrong. Being passive-aggressive is also used when they want to bait you into asking them what’s wrong instead of simply telling you.

When somebody acts as a manipulator, their goal is often to avoid having to be accountable for anything. They will say things that are not true, or they will exaggerate in order to make themselves look better. When they find themselves in a difficult situation of their own making, their self-inflicted problems are all your fault. This behavior shares certain elements with gaslighting. Although we are all occasionally guilty of telling harmless little white lies, those who are emotionally manipulative will tell lies that have serious repercussions.

Using threats and coercion in order to get what they want is a textbook case of emotional manipulation. For example, your partner will warn you that the relationship is over if you don’t do exactly what they ask. There is nothing that is more toxic when they pull out the “I will leave you” card since they’re putting you in an impossible position where you are doing things you don’t want to, and yet you desperately want the relationship to work. They might even threaten to hurt themselves if they don’t get their way. This threat of self-harm might be a ruse, but regardless it is something that you must take seriously, even if it means calling 911 to get them help.

Another technique that people use when they are manipulators is withdrawing from you. This could be refusing to talk when you are doing something they disagree with. Furthermore, they might act extremely cold, withhold information, or even “punish” you by withholding sex, even when the issue is extremely minor. They will continue to do this until they get their way or until you apologize for things that you aren’t even to blame for.

At the most extreme level, a manipulator who wants complete control will force you to cut ties with your friends and family, especially the ones who express concern about or dislike that manipulative person. By disrupting your support system, you are basically on your own, making it more difficult to leave the relationship. On the other hand, that individual might use their manipulation to gain the trust and support of your friends and family for their own selfish purposes. For instance, if they sense that the relationship is about to come to an end, they might attempt to convince your friends and family to tell you to stay with them.