Boost Your Computer’s Performance with This Simple Windows Trick

The end of Windows 10 is approaching, and with the release of Windows 11, many users are excited to upgrade. However, some may find that their computer is not capable of running the new system due to increased performance demands.

Windows 11 comes with new features that require more processing capacity and graphics rendering, making it a more complete and visually appealing system. However, these enhancements can also lead to crashes, sudden screen blackouts, and graphical glitches for users with older or less capable hardware.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to these problems – disabling the graphic effects used by Windows 11 to present a prettier desktop. This can not only resolve performance issues but also provide a simpler desktop without unnecessary frills.

To disable effects in Windows 11, users can open the Start menu, enter Windows Settings, and navigate to the “Accessibility” section. From there, they can click on “Visual effects” and deactivate options such as “Transparency Effects” and “Animation effects”.

By doing so, users may notice improved performance, especially in desktop actions and gaming. Disabling these effects allows the computer to run faster by freeing up resources that would have been dedicated to visual enhancements.

While Windows 11’s effects contribute to its modern and aesthetic appeal, some users may prefer to prioritize performance over visuals, especially if they are unable to upgrade to a new computer. Ultimately, disabling these effects can result in a smoother and faster computing experience, making the most of existing hardware capabilities.