Brilliant Innovation: Transforming Any Cell Phone into a High-precision Breathalyzer

Leaving home without your keys or wallet was extremely rare a few years ago, as it meant not being able to enter the house or pay at a store. However, in today’s digital age, it is much more common to perform these tasks with just your mobile phone. This trend is especially prevalent in Spain, where digital payment methods are widely used.

Despite the convenience of using mobile phones for various tasks, there are still some devices that have not been replaced by smartphones. These include accessories like microscopes and equipment for measuring glucose levels. One such essential device that many still rely on is the breathalyzer, which detects alcohol levels in the blood to determine if it is safe to drive.

In many countries, including Spain, it is illegal to drive if your blood alcohol level exceeds certain limits. While it is always recommended to avoid driving after consuming alcohol, some people may want to confirm their ability to drive safely.

To address this need, there is a device called BACtrack that can be linked to your mobile phone to calculate your blood alcohol level and predict when it will be safe to drive again. This device connects to your phone via Bluetooth and works in conjunction with an app that provides real-time results and estimates when it will be safe to drive.

The BACtrack device also integrates with popular ride-hailing apps like Uber, allowing users to conveniently call a car if their alcohol levels are too high. This device provides accurate measurements similar to those used in hospitals or by law enforcement.

The BACtrack breathalyzer for mobile phones does not have an external screen, as it relies on the smartphone for display. It comes with a one-year warranty and can be purchased online for around $100. The device is rechargeable via a micro-USB port, eliminating the need for batteries.

In conclusion, while mobile phones have replaced many traditional devices, there are still essential tools like the breathalyzer that play a crucial role in ensuring safety on the roads. By integrating technology with safety measures, devices like the BACtrack breathalyzer offer a modern solution for monitoring alcohol levels and promoting responsible driving.