China’s $17 Million ‘Global Influence’ Plan in America’s Public Schools Raises Concerns – GOP Investigation Underway, Reveals ‘Alarming’ Report | The Gateway Pundit

China’s Influence in American Schools Raises Concerns among Parents and Republicans

China’s infiltration into American public schools is raising alarm bells among parents and Republican members of Congress, who are calling for increased scrutiny and severance of existing partnerships. According to a report from Parents Defending Education, China has reached into 143 school districts in 34 states and the District of Columbia through its Confucius Classrooms program, providing schools with a total of $17,967,565.12 since 2009. The report also highlighted ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and school districts near U.S. military bases.

The report, titled “Little Red Classrooms,” emphasized the allure of Chinese language and culture programs for American K-12 schools but warned against giving the CCP unfettered access to students. Parents Defending Education argues that while it is important to provide students with access to these programs, American schools should not compromise national security by allowing the Chinese government’s propaganda and influence to infiltrate their institutions.

The Confucius Classrooms project is an offshoot of the Confucius Institutes set up at U.S. universities. These Institutes have been the subject of scrutiny, with many closing down due to pressure from various government entities. The National Association of Scholars has also highlighted the need for increased scrutiny, prompting Republican lawmakers to push for comprehensive investigations into existing partnerships.

Republican Representative Mike Waltz of Florida expressed alarm at the extent of China’s meddling in the American education system. He pointed out that the CCP not only promotes propaganda through education programs but has also been using Chinese shell companies to acquire American private schools. Waltz called for immediate action to address this issue and protect America’s children and national security.

Republican Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas echoed these concerns, particularly regarding the targeting of schools near military bases. He argued that China’s infiltration into American society, from farmland acquisition to setting up CCP police stations and espionage activities, should be a wake-up call for the government. The House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Republican Representative Michael McCaul of Texas, underscored the importance of learning languages and cultures critical to national security, like Chinese. However, he emphasized that this should not come at the expense of Communist propaganda and influence.

Republican Representative Jim Banks of Indiana called on Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to address the issue with urgency. Banks highlighted the CCP’s goal of undermining U.S. strength at home and its leadership abroad, stressing the need to strengthen defense against this adversary. He argued that blocking China’s ability to propagandize in American K-12 schools is a crucial step in protecting American interests.

The concerns raised by parents and Republican lawmakers highlight the need for greater transparency and scrutiny when it comes to China’s influence in American public schools. While it is essential to provide students with language and cultural programs, it is equally important to safeguard national security interests and protect young minds from foreign propaganda. As this issue gains attention, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will respond and whether steps will be taken to address these concerns effectively.
