Majority of Voters Believe FBI Should Publicly Release ‘Bribery’ Investigation File on Biden, Poll Reveals

Title: Majority of Voters Demand Transparency as 83% Urge FBI to Release Biden Bribery File


In a stunning revelation that has been largely ignored by the liberal media, a recent poll has shown that an overwhelming majority of voters believe that the FBI should make public its informant file which alleges that President Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings. The poll, conducted by Harvard/HarrisX, has revealed that 83% of voters are demanding transparency, with even Democrats and Independents joining Republicans in their call for the release of the file. The growing frustration among the public at the perceived double standard of justice is evident in their demand for equal treatment. If the FBI is concerned about maintaining its public image, it would be prudent for them to address this issue promptly.

The Need for Transparency:

According to the Harvard/HarrisX poll, an astounding 83% of voters believe that the FBI should make public the informant file alleging Biden’s involvement in bribery. This overwhelming consensus should not be taken lightly, as it includes 74% of Democrats and a resounding majority of Independents (82%) and Republicans (92%). The demand for transparency is a universal sentiment that cuts across partisan lines, raising serious questions about the potential consequences for the FBI’s image should they choose to ignore these calls.

Public Outrage and Implications:

The public frustration over the perceived double standard in the application of justice, favoring Democrats, is palpable. The contrast between the treatment of allegations against former President Donald Trump and those against President Biden is a prominent factor contributing to this frustration. If Trump were the subject of similar allegations, it is highly likely that the liberal media would leap at the chance to sensationalize and report on it. This discrepancy is no longer tolerable for voters demanding accountability and consistency in how political scandals are handled.

Social Media Reaction:

Social media platforms have also become forums for expressing the public’s discontent, with users echoing the sentiment expressed in the poll. Prominent figures, such as Peter Schweizer, have emphasized the staggering 83% support for making the informant file public, while users like Neesie have further shared their approval for the demand. The significance of such widespread public support cannot be ignored.

The FBI’s Dilemma:

The poll results present a crucial dilemma for the FBI. Ignoring the overwhelming demand for transparency could further erode public trust in the institution, which relies heavily on its reputation for impartiality and fairness. The consequences of ignoring such a significant opinion can be detrimental to their credibility and may even fuel conspiracy theories. To maintain public confidence, it is imperative for the FBI to address this issue promptly.


The call for transparency regarding the allegations of a multi-million dollar bribe involving President Joe Biden and Burisma Holdings is growing stronger every day. The Harvard/HarrisX poll’s findings, showing that 83% of voters want the FBI to release the informant file, demonstrate the public’s demand for equal treatment in the application of justice. With even Democrats and Independents joining Republicans in this demand, it is clear that the public has grown weary of perceived double standards that favor Democrats. The FBI’s decision to acknowledge and address this issue will undoubtedly have significant implications for its credibility and public trust. It is now imperative for the FBI to seize this opportunity to demonstrate transparency and impartiality in order to bolster its public image.
