Privacy Sandbox: Protecting Your IP in Chrome from Suspicious Domains

Privacy Sandbox, Google’s alternative to third-party cookies in Chrome, is set to be fully available in the third quarter of 2024. One of the key features being developed in the initial phase is called IP Protection, which aims to enhance security and privacy by preventing the user’s IP address from being known to suspicious domains. This protection feature is similar to Apple’s Private Relay and offers an additional layer of security while browsing the internet.

However, just like Apple’s Private Relay, IP Protection will render ineffective Utiq, an alternative to third-party cookies developed and launched by telecommunications operators. Utiq, which is already in use by major Spanish operators, profiles users’ online activities to provide targeted advertising while respecting their privacy. The official arrival date of IP Protection is yet to be announced as it is still in the early stages of development. However, Google’s documentation suggests that it will eventually become an option that is active by default in Chrome.

According to the documentation, the browser will determine which requests go through IP Protection based on the domain name. This means that a website may display content but not load scripts from third-party domains, enhancing security and privacy further. Additionally, IP Protection will not disrupt services that rely on IP geolocation. Managed by Google and a globally present company, the mechanism will use an IP address from the visitor’s original country on the outgoing server, thereby avoiding any complications with IP geolocation-based websites.

To utilize this feature, users will need to be identified in the browser with their user account to prevent fraudulent use. The development roadmap of the Privacy Sandbox, which seeks to replace outdated third-party cookies while preserving interest-based advertising, shows upcoming updates and reflects the technology’s path towards achieving a balance between user privacy and the advertising industry.

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