Survivors in the Andes: Facing Extreme Challenges with Black Urine

“Survivors of the Andes” and the Black Urine: the dramatic story behind
The Andes Mountains have witnessed countless survival stories, but one of the most striking is the crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 on October 13, 1972. Of the 45 people aboard, 16 survived after enduring 72 days in extremely challenging conditions.

This harrowing account has been brought to life in the new Netflix movie, “Survivors of the Andes”. One of the most intriguing aspects of the film is the occurrence of black urine in one of the characters. This raises the question: why did this happen?

Under normal circumstances, our urine should have a light yellow color. Any deviation from this norm is cause for concern. In the film, Numa Turcatti, portrayed by Enzo Vogrincic, notices that his urine is black. This could be attributed to the extreme dehydration that he and his companions experienced while surviving in the mountains, exacerbated by their consumption of melted snow as their primary source of water.

The survivors’ daily water intake did not meet the recommended amount, leading to an increase in urine concentration, resulting in its discoloration. Additionally, the condition of rhabdomyolysis, caused by muscle damage, could also have contributed to the dark urine.

Other potential reasons for the survivors’ black urine include melanuria, a condition characterized by the excretion of the body’s pigment melanin, severe urinary tract infections requiring the expulsion of excess waste, and coluria, which occurs due to the expulsion of bilirubin, a yellowish pigment formed by the breakdown of red blood cells.

While there is speculation that the survivors may have experienced alcaptonuria, a hereditary disorder often referred to as “black bone disease,” the likelihood of this being the cause is low. Alcaptonuria creates an excess of homogentisic acid, resulting in pigment buildup in the body, blood, and tissues.

The individuals affected by alcaptonuria do not excrete the necessary proteins in their urine. These proteins accumulate in cartilage and bones, turning the urine black, often resembling a cola beverage several hours after contact with air.

In conclusion, the dramatic ordeal faced by the survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 in the Andes Mountains raises awareness of the different medical conditions and extreme circumstances that can lead to the discoloration of urine. Their incredible resilience and will to survive against all odds serve as a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit.