Tech Giants Urge Europe to Unify: Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Intel, and Vodafone Call for Collaboration

For some time now, there has been a growing concern in Europe about the focus on regulation rather than innovation, particularly in the Artificial Intelligence sector. This sentiment has been echoed by major players in the technology industry, including Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Intel, and Vodafone.

In a joint statement, these five tech giants have called upon European political leaders to take urgent action to ensure Europe’s competitiveness in the digital economy. Their key demands include promoting the development of a Digital Single Market, encouraging investment in advanced connectivity, and implementing differentiated regulations for business-to-business (B2B) and consumer technologies.

The companies emphasize the importance of accelerating the development of a Digital Single Market in Europe to establish a coherent regulatory framework and optimize the business environment. They also underscore the need for increased investment in advanced connectivity technologies like standalone 5G and future innovations such as 6G to maintain Europe’s technological leadership.

Furthermore, the tech giants advocate for policies that create a positive environment for trusted businesses to thrive through trade, contracting, and research. They also stress the importance of preparing for the quantum era and advancing artificial intelligence, as these technologies will have a significant impact on various industries.

This collaboration among industry leaders is not unprecedented, as similar initiatives in the United States have sought to influence global digital policies. By focusing on solid infrastructure and well-considered regulations, Europe can fully harness the benefits of an increasingly digital economy and remain competitive on a global scale.