Explore Copilot VSC AI’s new coding assisted chat features and more

Visual Studio Code recently introduced new improvements to its Copilot extension, aiming to change the way developers work. These updates are designed to enhance programming intuition and efficiency by providing intelligent support that understands the context of your project.

At the forefront of these improvements is Copilot Chat, which now includes context-aware agents. These AI agents act as knowledgeable colleagues, ready to help you navigate complex code or solve programming challenges. They are not only responsive; They are proactive, providing guidance that seamlessly aligns with your thought process.

Copilot is more than just another programming tool; It’s an AI-based companion that interacts with you in real time. The chat feature enables a text conversation with Copilot, allowing you to request code examples, clarify doubts and seek advice without leaving your programming environment. This seamless integration aims to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.

Copilot’s new chat features
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New Microsoft Copilot AI Coding Assistant Features
When dealing with complex code or large repositories, Copilot’s chat feature becomes especially useful. It can help unravel complex data structures and navigate through extensive code bases, making Copilot a valuable asset when accelerating new projects.

The introduction of slash commands is an important step forward, making it possible to take actions or ask questions on the fly. For example, typing “/build” can start the process of building your app, all from within the chat interface. This seamless integration of commands into chat streamlines your workflow and keeps you focused on programming.

Another major update is the hash command, providing instant access to contextual help. By entering a hash code followed by a command, you can pull instructions relevant to your current task, such as running your project as described in the README file. This feature makes it easier to find the information you need without interrupting your steps.

For those who use version control systems, the new automatic commit message generation is a boon. Copilot can now suggest commit messages that accurately reflect the changes you’ve made, helping you maintain a clear and informative project history.

The VS Code Speech extension is a leading addition for developers who prefer or require voice commands. Speech-to-text functionality allows you to dictate commands to Copilot, improving accessibility and speeding up the coding process.

The built-in chat feature is another innovation that tracks the context of your session, offers personalized code snippets and even calculates local times based on your previous interactions, ensuring a more consistent and personalized coding experience.

When you encounter device errors, Copilot steps in with quick fixes and explanations, making it easier to learn from errors and prevent similar problems in the future, enhancing your programming skills with every session.

The update also improved interactions with shell language code blocks, including the “run in terminal” action. This makes it easy to test and debug scripts directly from the editor, saving time and simplifying the development process.

The terminal has also been upgraded to offer improved command suggestions. With a simple keyboard shortcut, you can access a curated list of shell command recommendations, increasing productivity and introducing you to new command line technologies.

How to use co-pilot chat
Integrating an AI assistant like Copilot into your development process may seem intimidating at first, especially for experienced developers with established routines. It’s important to consider how Copilot fits into your current practices and whether it improves your efficiency. The goal is to ensure that the tool complements your workflow rather than complicates it.

Copilot also offers voice interaction, catering to those who prefer speaking rather than typing. This feature provides an additional way to communicate with the AI, making the tool more accessible. Furthermore, user feedback is crucial to the continued development of Copilot. By sharing your experiences with the tool, you help shape its future, ensuring it meets the needs of the developer community.

Copilot’s chat feature is an important step forward in the field of AI-assisted programming. By using directives like “@workspace,” you can tailor AI assistance to your specific project needs. This could make Copilot an indispensable part of your development toolkit. However, it is essential that you remain aware of how it fits into your workflow and contribute to its continuous improvement with your feedback.