Ohio Set to Ban TikTok

A legislative project recently presented to the Ohio House of Representatives aims to reform the educational environment by restricting the use of electronic devices, such as mobile phones and social media platforms, during school hours. This proposal would be another blow for TikTok, coming just days after the approval of a law that would put the company ‘against the ropes’.

According to State Representative Tom Young, one of the main promoters of this initiative, the school environment should be reserved for learning, excluding the use of social media or messaging within the state’s schools. He emphasized that the classroom is for studying, not for texting, watching TikTok, or Snapchat.

If approved, each school district would be responsible for establishing its own policies regarding the use of electronic devices during school hours, with exceptions for emergencies and medical situations.

The main goal of this proposal is to counteract the harmful influence of social media on students, addressing issues such as bullying and adverse effects on mental health. Some school districts, like Parma, have already implemented similar restrictions.

Furthermore, the bill aims to regulate internet access and restrict age-inappropriate content for students. It would also prohibit the use of TikTok by schools to promote district activities or student clubs.

Young acknowledged that there may be resistance from social media companies, but he has been in dialogue with them to address their concerns. The bill is currently pending review by the relevant committee.

This proposal has sparked intense debate within the educational community and among legislators, who are discussing the effectiveness and potential repercussions of these measures in the school environment. Public hearings are expected to be held in the coming weeks to further discuss the details and potential modifications of this initiative.

Additionally, the bill would establish the requirement of implementing an internet safety policy for students accessing the internet through school infrastructure. It would explicitly prohibit the use of TikTok and restrict student access to online content considered “age-appropriate”.